My guding Principles

The guiding principle of my work as a freelance midwife is to look after pregnant women, mothers, children and their families holistically, individually and professionally in the natural processes of pregnancy, childbed and parenting.

It is very important to me to give the women and couples security, respond to individual needs and wishes and to give them the support and help they need to go and find their own path.

Through continuous care during pregnancy, the puerperium and during the first year of life of the child, I would like to contribute to the fact that this time can be experienced as natural, wonderful and secure for all family members and that in this phase a bond-oriented parenting arises.

I see breastfeeding as a normal diet and the best health promotion for mother and child.

For the benefit of mother and child, a high value is to work with low-intervention and evidence-based.

I am developing further and sharing these experiences with you mindfully.



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