Postpartum Yoga

During pregnancy, your body changed a lot due to the hormonal changes. Yoga offers a gentle way to strengthen the pelvic floor and the entire abdominal wall and make them functional in order to get a good body feeling again! Pranayama (breathing techniques) is an essential component in the first time immediately after birth, but the courses are a full-body workout, so that you will be challenged in my courses and find your personal limit! I offer enough modifications, regardless of whether you are a bloody beginner in yoga or an experienced yogi. The Mum& Bub classes are also focused on the connection between you and the baby - baby yoga and little massage are helping a lot to keep them with you throughout the practice. 

Regression is generally important in order to be able to strengthen and stabilize the pelvic floor in a targeted manner, so later complaints can be avoided.


To register for courses with or without a baby, please register under the Hebamio link:



A postgraduate course is reimbursed by the health insurance companies. If you want to continue my yoga lessons, this is a private service!



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